WHO: Fricke, from the Netherlands.
WHEN: 23/3/2008
WHERE: Ollantaytambo, Peru.
SLEEPING PATTERN: Naps with her hood pulled up over her eyes.
FRICKE is a bit of an eccentric character. Eager and friendly, but also strangely blunt. I met her in Spanish school where we were at the same level. But her willingness to speak without concern about correction helped her to advance whilst my hesitation held me back, being too careful about conjugation. As a student of history, Fricke was great company for visiting Peruvian ruins. We went to several together, even smaller ones that were not particularly draw-cards. She went to the impressive ruins in Ollantaytambo twice, that's how keen she is on ruins. I, however, was too cheap to go in even once!
This was a good call. Give the eccentrics more playing time. Plus, how do you not sleep with someone from a place called "Ollantaytambo"?